Ben Ryder - Side Line Read online
Page 9
He rested his hand onto the back of my head, only applying pressure if I dared to stop deep-throating him. I occasionally glanced up at him, only to see his head tilted back onto a pillow, causing his Adam’s apple to protrude as he caught his breath and swallowed. He released the back of my head, and his body leaned to one side as I continued to suck. I could hear the buckle on his discarded jeans chink on the floor as he attempted to retrieve something from the pocket. Upright again, he encouraged me to continue with a couple of well-timed thrusts of his hips. I heard the rustle of foil and the click of a lighter. I looked up and saw him take a long draw of a cigarette.
“Comfortable?” I asked with a rasp of sarcasm. He nodded his head and returned his hand to the back of my head to push me back onto his cock. I heard the sound of gliding wood as he opened the drawer of the bedside table. His cock was at the back of my throat when I felt the sharp sensation of heavy ice on top of my shoulder blade. He had put the ashtray on my back.
The anger boiling within me only fueled my arousal. I pulled at my briefs enough to slip them halfway down my ass cheeks and far enough down to pull out my cock. I pushed my hips back onto the bed and felt the rough cotton of the sheets against my balls. The ashtray edged its way down my back as I sucked his cock even harder. I felt a hot, needlelike pain roll down my back as Damon missed his target and flicked hot ash between my shoulders. Damon seemed to enjoy this even more as I let out a small cry of pain that vibrated onto his cock.
With a cuffed palm, Damon slapped my cheek twice to indicate for me to stop.
“I’m getting too close and don’t want to cum yet, buddy.”
I pulled away and got onto my knees to slide up and kiss his neck. His arm straightened, and his hand found its way to my cock. He closed his hand around it and gave it a gentle squeeze to get a feel of its girth. He pulled at it once, then released it. His hand found my chest, and he pushed me back and looked down.
“You’re uncut?” he asked. “We’ve already fucked once, and we’re twenty minutes into this, and this is the first time you’ve noticed? What does that say about you”—I looked directly into his eyes— “buddy?”
He took hold of my cock and rolled the tip of his thumb around my foreskin. He had a curious look of fascination on his face. “Man, I have never….”
“…been with a guy as God intended him to feel?” “It’s fucking hot,” he replied, still not taking his eyes off my cock while he rubbed a small drop of my precum around the top of my foreskin.
If you had realized that I had a cock in the first place, perhaps you could have appreciated it sooner, I thought to myself as he motioned me to shuffle back so I lay at the end of the bed. He got onto his knees and leaned forward, pulling my foreskin to the top of my cock before closing his mouth around it. I felt his tongue push it back as his head lowered onto me. I looked down at his muscular shoulders and Vshaped trunk, and he raised his ass upward. His cocksucking technique was a little clumsy and slow, but all was forgiven since it seemed to be a new experience for him.
I tapped his shoulder. “Turn around and get on your stomach,” I instructed. “No. Sorry, man, but there ain’t no way you’re fucking me. I don’t do that,” he said, as if the idea was ridiculous to him.
“I just want to kiss your back,” I said as my hands gripped his shoulders and twisted them around so he faced away from me.
“I don’t know….”
“You don’t know what? It’s not all about you, fella. Come on, my turn.” He seemed reluctant for a moment but slowly spun on his knees and lay facedown. He pulled a pillow under his chin and folded his arms around it to get comfortable.
Jutting his legs apart with my knees and balancing my hands on either side of his ample lats, I began to gently kiss the top of his right shoulder until I felt him relax. I put the weight of my head into the last kiss before I dragged my stubbled chin across the top of his back to his left shoulder where I landed, licking his skin. I centered my lips between his shoulder blades and ran my tongue down to the arched muscles at the small of his back. He moaned, so I repeated the move, but this time extended the trail down to the top of his buttock. His ass cheeks clenched immediately, but relaxed as he felt my tongue in the center of his shoulder blades again.
“Will you relax, man?” I said. His head nodded into the pillow. I slowly made my way down again, this time continuing onto the top of his buttock. He clenched again but immediately relaxed. I kissed slowly down his ass cheek, occasionally sucking a mound of flesh into a light gnaw before releasing. I kneaded the muscles of his ass with my hands, massaging them. His back rose as he drew a long breath of pleasure. I parted his ass cheeks, and with one firm stroke of my tongue, I licked over his asshole.
You would have thought I ignited a fire under him by the way he scrambled up the bed in an attempt to get away. “What the fuck are you doing?” he demanded with a look of shock and confusion. He pulled a sheet up around him like he’d been violated.
I spied him for a moment, not quite believing what I was hearing. “What do you mean?”
“You just licked my ass!” “Yeah, so?” Damon’s brow furrowed, framing an intense stare of bewilderment. “You mean no one has ever rimmed you before?”
“Hell no! Fuck me, there’s even a name for it?” He was clearly uncomfortable with the idea of it. He was still pulling and gripping onto the sheet like someone gathering their clothes after being sexually assaulted in a back alley.
“Really?” The shame on his face showed as he shook his head. I looked at him and once again stifled the laughter that had started building up the moment he bolted for the headboard. I was bemused that he’d never experienced it before, considering how good a fuck he was the first night we met, yet got a kick out of being the cause of this kind of reaction. Here he was, a two hundred pound Marine, in my bed looking at me like he was terrified.
“Okay, fair enough,” I began. “Well, did you enjoy it?” “What?”
“Did you enjoy it? Considering how fast you moved, I can’t imagine you felt it for more than a split second.” Damon looked at me like he didn’t understand the question. His genuine expression only turned me on even more.
“Let me do it again,” I said.
“No way!”
“Come on, just for a minute. If you don’t like it after that, I’ll stop.” The corner of his bottom lip disappeared between his teeth as he considered it. I slowly dragged the sheet off him and pulled at his ankle. Saying nothing, he got back onto his belly and placed his head back on the pillow, facedown as though he couldn’t bear to witness the act.
A muffled warning came from the pillow. “Don’t even think about sticking your dick in there, buddy.” I tapped underneath his hips to indicate to raise himself so I could slide two pillows beneath him, raising his ass higher. The view was fucking incredible. The light in the room and his body draped over the pillows accented the lines of muscles like he was in a professional photo shoot. Closing my eyes, I locked in a mental photo before I ran my tongue from the back of his knee to the back of his thigh.
I held both of his ass cheeks in my hands, kneading them again until I felt him relax. I pulled them apart and teased him with just one small flick of my tongue before he clenched again, almost locking my jaw in place. I exhaled hot air over the spit trail on his hole until he relaxed. I flattened my tongue and took another long lap over his asshole. His body went rigid.
“Good, huh?” There was no reply, so I continued. Each time I applied just a little more pressure with my tongue. His ass began to move in encouragement. I wrapped my arms around his thighs and locked him tight in position, knowing what I was going to do next would have him flying off the bed again. I nuzzled my stubbled jaw deep between the cheeks of his ass and rammed my tongue deep into his hole. He cried out as he tried to struggle free, which only made his ass rise higher and my tongue go deeper. He cried out again. I saw a fist withdrawing from beneath the pillow, and I was sure it was aiming behind him at my he
ad. Instead, it shot around and slammed into the headboard.
“Holy fuck!” he bellowed. “Stop!Stop!” I slipped my tongue out only to ram it back in as far as I could and moaned heavily into his ass. The sensation of the vibrations of my groan deep in him sent what sounded like an agonizing scream into the pillow. Before I knew it, he had scrambled up the bed again. His whole body was shaking.
“Fuck, are you okay?” I asked, genuinely concerned that I had hurt him somehow. He looked stunned. I followed his index finger as it pointed first to the pillow he had been lying on, then to the sheet, and up to the trail of hair that led down from his navel to his pubes. There was cum everywhere.
“I’ve gotta go,” he said as he bounded from the bed and bundled up his clothes from the floor. He threw them onto the chair and began to get dressed.
“What’s the problem?”
“Nothing, I just have to get back to the barracks. I have an early start in the morning.” I stood up, naked with a hard-on that refused to go down, and watched him scramble to get dressed and out the door. He didn’t look back at me. Instead, he looked agitated that his clothes weren’t going on fast enough.
“So, that’s it, huh? You’re just going to fuck off?” “What the fuck do you want? A cuddle?” he replied as he pounded a foot into his boot.
“You’re a fucking piece of work, man. Okay, off you go,” I said as if to dismiss him. He stood up to his full height and pulled in his breath in what I could only describe as a deliberate show to make his chest look bigger. His attempt to appear intimidating was cut short and replaced with a look of horror when a sharp knocking came at the door. He whipped his head from the door to me and then back to the door.
“Calm down, it’s probably just one of the girls,” I said, making my way to the door. He barged past me and shot into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I peered through the peephole to see Jackie looking a little anxious. I moved my body to one side and opened the door wide enough to let my head show.
“Hello, Jay, just wanted to let you know all the girls are okay and tucked up in bed,” she said in a cheery voice before mouthing “Are you okay? I heard shouting.”
I nodded quickly. “Thanks for letting me know. I’m just out of the shower and about to head to bed. See you in the morning,” I said before mouthing “Damon is still here.” I tipped the top half of my body a little into the crack of the door to show I was nude.
“Okay, sweetheart!” Jackie said brightly. “Sleep well!” She ended by putting a manicured thumb and pinky up to her ear. “Call me,” she whispered.
I closed the door and heard the click of the bathroom lock. Damon stepped out looking antsy and peered through the peephole. Convinced that he had the all clear, he turned the handle, opened the door, and slipped out without another word.
Jackie’s appearance had finally made my cock go flaccid. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and called Jackie in her room.
“My darling, I don’t want to hear all the sordid details over the telephone. You must tell all over wine! And after tonight, I think we could both do with one. I’ll be right round.”
I looked at the disheveled bed and the cum that was seeping into the sheets and pillow. “Actually, Jacks, I had better come to your room.”
As I threw on my sneakers, I saw a hint of folded leather peeking out from under the bed. Damon’s wallet must have fallen out when he retrieved his cigarettes from his pocket. I picked it up and threw it onto the bedside table, knowing that I would get to see him at least once more at some point to return it.
“OKAY,okay,” I said, battling through Jackie’s laughter.
“You are his little plaything!” she roared. “Jay, you’re his bitch!” I took a sip of wine. “I couldn’t believe it. Typical American, take what you want and then fuck off. You watch, I bet this war will be the same.”
Jackie spluttered into her wine. “Oh yes, darling, and you’re just the poor British bystander being pulled in against his will. God love you for taking one for your country.”
“And now I have to face him again to give him back his wallet.”
“What was in there?” “I don’t know. I didn’t look in it. Knowing my luck, it will be a picture of his wife.”
“Or his gun.”
“Or his wife with a gun.” I took a sip of wine. “The guy is a dickhead.”
“What’s really bothering you, Jay? Be honest.” “I’m not sure. He has a touch of arrogance about him. He acts like I should be grateful to suck his dick. He’s blasé about the fact that once he’s got what he wants, he’s not interested anymore. He’s….”
“He’s built like a brick shithouse, has a huge cock, and you hate that he is getting the upper hand,” Jackie interrupted. “You’re mad because he is using and taking advantage of you to get what he wants—”
“Jacks—” “—but what you really hate, what bothers you the most, is that you’re secretly loving every second of it!” She squealed in delight.
I chewed on my lip. “I hate you, Jackie.”
“Darling, of course you do!”
“I’m not usually that type of guy.”
“And I’m not that type of girl!” Jackie protested. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t long for a young farmhand to take me roughly in a cornfield, only to leave me disheveled and alone while he makes off in his tractor.”
“Excuse me?”
“My point, darling, is that if you’re enjoying it, don’t let it bother you! It’s not like you’re going to marry the guy.” “True,” I said, pouring out another glass of wine. “So, tell me more about this farmhand.” I RETURNED to my room in the early hours, a little merry after my drinks with Jackie. I knew I was going to have a bit of a hangover in the morning so I grabbed the bottle of water off the bedside table, knocking Damon’s wallet to the floor, where it landed and flapped open. Beneath a clear laminate cover designed to hold wallet photographs, I saw Damon’s face. He looked a touch younger, but still a few years older than the young brunette girl with her arm around him. The little girl pictured between them, who resembled Damon so much, couldn’t have been any older than ten or eleven.
“Always faithful, my ass,” I said, flipping the wallet shut, then slamming it in the drawer.
“Give me ten,” I replied. Jackie’s phone call had stirred me from an hour of staring up at the ceiling, dealing with an attack of guilt. My head tried to convince my cock that I would never have slept with him if I had known he had a family. My morals would never have allowed me to intrude on someone else’s partner, especially if they had a kid. But if I had known, would I have seriously turned down the chance to have a night with the star of my wildest fantasies? Would my cock have prevailed over my morals? It didn’t matter now, as it had already happened, but there was a kind of grief there that I couldn’t explain.
I grabbed the wallet off the table and slipped it in my back pocket. I figured Damon would have the sense to ask at the front desk for me. If his wallet was already there, I could instruct the receptionist to pass it along. That meant I wouldn’t actually have to see him.
As I walked through the lobby, I heard a familiar voice. “Hey, buddy.”
I turned to see Damon sitting in one of the lobby chairs. He had obviously been waiting for me to show up.
“I guess you’re after this?” I said as I slipped his wallet out of my back pocket.
“Yeah, thanks. Listen, I have to get to work, but….”
“It’s 9:30 a.m. This is your early start?” “Look, I really am sorry about last night. I don’t know what to say to you.”
“You don’t need to say anything,” I told him as I handed him his wallet and began to walk away.
“Wait, wait. Please, give me a chance to make it up to you. Can we meet tonight?”
I saw Nikki and Natasha come out of the elevator and make their way toward the hotel restaurant, where breakfast was being served. The last thi
ng I wanted to do was create a scene. If any of the girls caught wind of what had happened, they would never take my advice or safety precautions seriously ever again.
“I’m sorry, I have dinner plans at the Palace House tonight with the distributors,” I said quickly and pointedly while the girls were still out of earshot. “There is no way I can get out of it. I’m in Bahrain to work, not to screw around. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go.”
I shook my head. “No.”
I turned and walked over to the girls, wrapping my arms over their shoulders and pulling them into a hug as I guided them into the restaurant. Damon was through the front entrance doors by the time I looked around again.
MY BROODINESS for the rest of the day was tempered by Jackie’s playful mocking, as she was beginning to fret about her date with Peter. I decided not to tell her about the photo in Damon’s wallet or the sharp exchange we shared that morning, as I didn’t want anything to taint her excitement. Today was to be about her, and I couldn’t have been happier for her. She was positively wired all day.
“DARLING,are you sure?” Jackie said, spritzing herself with
her best scent. “I can always call this off and come along with you.” Jackie stood in front of the mirror and checked herself over again. I had seen her dolled up countless times, but there was something different about her this evening. She wore her hair long but with just enough of a curl to bounce off her shoulders. The knee-length formfitting black dress was tastefully cut to show off her figure and looked even better once she slipped her feet into black stilettos, displaying pins that any woman half her age would kill for. She looked simply immaculate.
“Jacks, I have dealt with distributors hundreds of times,” I said, perched on the end of her bed and looking at her in a new light. She was almost giddy with excitement. “Besides, you know what businessmen in this area are like. They prefer to deal with just men.”